war memorial at dusk, photographed by Michelle Cooper


Walter Tull Walter Tull - a surprise

Walter Tull - Grace Hill Chapel

Walter Tull -  documents Walter Tull - family trees
"Who Did He Think He Was?" - Walter Tull's local family history (pdf) - created for Tull exhibitions, 2009-10

Walter Tull


While researching the local connections of Walter Tull, we came across many documents. Below is the note from the North Board School, Folkestone, log book. On 23rd February 1898 is this entry:

extract from log book
It reads: "Ed and Walter Tull left today for Dr Stephenson's Homes." It records the day the two boys left the school, to be cared for by the orphanage in London


In 1912 J Lees, a cigarette manufacturer of Northampton,  issued collectible cards depicting players for Northampton Town Football Club. Walter Tull was one of the footballers featured.



image from Paul Bowditch, Rare Sports Cards



This is a copy of the signature from Walter Tull's enlistment form. It is dated 21st December 1914.
extract from attestation form
Note that the name "Daniell" is consistently spelt with two "l's"

Below is a copy of the card filled in when Walter's headteacher, Mr Mummery,  at the North Board school requested that his name be recorded on the War Memorial at Folkestone. The address on the card is that of Walter's brother, William. The memorial is shown on the right; it is at the top of the Road of Remembrance, down which the troops marched to embark for the Western Front.

  roll of honour card

Folkestone War Memorial, by Simon Chambers



There was also a memorial erected at Walter Tull's old school. in 1921. It was of polished walnut, designed by Mr Arthur Parsons, and was unveiled on 29th April by Alderman Spurgeon. 624 boys from the school had fought, and of them 91 had died. Walter Tull was one of the casualties whose name was on that memorial.

We have tried to find the memorial but with no success. It may have been destroyed when the school was damaged in the second World War. We do now have a photograph of the memorial, but if you have any further information about it, do please let us know.  

with grateful thanks to Pauline Davey for all her help
with thanks to The Folkestone Herald for their assistance
and with thanks to the present headteacher, Mrs Lynn Seal, and staff at Walter Tull's old school.

The headstone (left) is in the churchyard of St Lawrence, Church Hougham. It's a double-sided one, belonging to the Paramor family. Mary Ann Paramor married in 1853 William Palmer, the great uncle of Walter Tull by virtue of being the brother of Walter's grandfather, Stephen. It's interesting because it's one of the headstones remaining at Hougham to mention a Palmer, in this instance Bradley Palmer, first cousin once removed to Walter Tull. 

The first side reads: In memory of / Joseph son of / William & Maria Paramor / who died Novr.27th 1865 / aged 37 years / Left surviving Sarah Jane his wife / Also of William G. Edwards / son of the above / who died June 14th 1866 / aged 12 years / Also of Bradley Paramor / who died Feby 24th 1884 / aged 49 years / In the midst of life we are in death //

The second side reads: - Sacred / to the Memory of / Wm. Paramor / who died Novr. 19th 1866 / aged 66 years / Left surviving a wife / and ten children / Also / Bradley William Palmer / grandson of the above / who died May 17th 1866 / aged 3 years / Also of Frances Maria / youngest daughter of the above / who died Sept.15th 1864 / aged 21 years/ When musing sorrow weeps the past / And mourns the present pain / How sweet to think of peace at last / And feel that death is gain / Also of Maria widow of the above / who died May 28th 1893 / aged 90 years/ And of Frederick Paramor / fifth son of the above / who was accident(al)ly drowned at Rotterdam / March 21st 1882 aged 46 years //

There are records of Palmers in Hougham church registers going back to 1659

The photo is by Andy and Michelle Cooper, February 2009. The transcription was from Susan Lees, via a Palmer family descendent


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